Privacy Policy

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, NEWEN AI ("Company") has the following policy to protect the privacy of personal information of users and the rights and to smoothly deal with users' complaints related to personal information. The company will notify you through the website announcement (or individual notice) when revising the personal information processing policy. This policy will be effective from January 1, 2017.
1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information
The company processes personal information for the following purposes. The processed personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes. If the purpose of use is changed, we will require prior consent.
  1. Answers for Solution&Service inquiry
  2. Managing applicants
2. Personal Information File Status
  1. Personal information file name: Solution & service inquiry list
    • Personal information items: name, email, mobile phone number, company phone number, position, job title, department, company name, website URL, inquiry details
    • Collection method: Homepage, E-Mail
  2. Personal information file name: Job Applicant List
    • Personal information items: name, email, mobile phone number, applied department
    • Collection method: Homepage, E-Mail
  3. Personal information file name: Report download list
    • Personal information items : Email, Phone number, Home address, Gender, Date of birth, Name, Academic ability, Job position, Department, Company name
    • Collection method: Website (contact us, download report)
  4. Personal information file name: List of consenters for marketing utilization
    • Personal information items: name, email, mobile phone number, company phone number, job title, department, company name
    • Collection method: Homepage, E-Mail
3. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information
The Company processes and retains personal information that is agreed upon when the personal information is collected within the period of retaining in accordance with the law.Each personal information processing and retention period is as follows.
  1. Personal information file name : Solution&Service contact list
    • Retention reason : Answers for Solution&Service inquiry
    • Retention period : Destruction after 1 year retention
    • Exceptional reason : If the inquirer/applicant has consented to the need for extension of the retaining period, or if the information contained in the contents of the post is subject to the provisions of other laws and regulations
  2. Personal information file name : Applicants list
    • Retention reason : Managing applicants
    • Retention period : Destruction after 1 year retention
    • Exceptional reason : If the inquirer/applicant has consented to the need for extension of the retaining period, or if the information contained in the contents of the post is subject to the provisions of other laws and regulations
  3. Personal information file name : Report down load list
    • Evidence of retention : Report list management
    • Retention period : 1 year storage and then destruction
    • Reason for exception : No exception
  4. Personal information file name : List of consents for marketing
    • Evidence of retention : Management of consent to use marketing
    • Retention Period : 1 year storage and then destruction
    • Reason for exception : No exception
4. Provide Personal Information to Third Parties
The company doesn’t provide personal information to third parties.
    5. Consign Personal Information
    The company doesn’t consign personal information.
      6. The Rights, Duties and Methods of the Information Subject
      1. The information subject may wield the right of personal information privacy to the company anytime.
        • Request to read personal information
        • Request to correct, when it is an error
        • Request to delete
        • Request to stop processing
      2. The exercise of the rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, e-mail, or fax in accordance with the attached paper Form 8 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act.
      3. The company will not use and provide personal information until the correction or deletion is completed, if the information subject requests to correct or delete about an error of personal information and etc.
      4. The exercise of the rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made through the legal representative of the information subject or the agents who has been delegated. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in accordance with the attached paper Form 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act.
      7. Write Items of Processing Personal Information
      The company process items of personal information as follows.
      1. Personal information file name : Solution&Service contact list
        • Essential items : E-Mail,Name
        • Optional items : Phone number,Company phone number,Job position,Department,Company name
      2. Personal information file name : Applicants list
        • Essential items : E-Mail,Phone number,Home address,Gender,Date of birth,Name,Academic ability
        • Optional items : Job position,Department,Company name
      3. Personal information file name : Report download list
        • Requirements : Email, Phone number, Home address, Gender, Date of birth, Name, Academic ability, Job position, Department, Company name
      4. Personal information file name : List of consents for marketing
        • Requirements : Email, Phone number, Home address, Gender, Date of birth, Name, Academic ability, Job position, Department, Company name
      8. Destruction of Personal Information
      In principle, if the purpose of processing personal information is accomplished, the company will destroy the personal information without delay. The destruction procedure, period and methods are as follows.
      1. Destruction procedure
        • The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB (separate documents in the case of paper) after completion of the purpose. And It is temporarily stored or immediately destroyed after a certain period of time according to internal policies and other related laws. At this time, the personal information transferred to the DB is not used for other purposes unless it is under the law.
        • In case the personal information of the user has been expired by reason of achieving purpose of processing of personal information, abolishing concerned service, ending business and etc., we destroy within 5 days from the end of the retaining period.
      2. Destruction methods
        • Information in the form of electronic files uses a technical method that can not reproduce records.
        • The outputted personal information is crushed by the crusher or destroyed by incineration.
      9. Measures to Ensure The Safety of Personal Information
      The Company, pursuant to Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, has the following technical, administrative and physical measures to ensure safety.
      1. Perform regular self-audits
        • We conduct our own audits regularly (quarterly) to ensure the safety of handling personal information.
      2. Minimization and training of personal information handling staff
        • We take measures to manage personal information, thereby employees who deal with personal information are designated and limited to the person in charge
      3. Establish and implement an internal management plan
        • We have established and implemented an internal management plan for the safe handling of personal information.
      4. Technical measures against hacking
        • The Company installs security programs to prevent leakage and damage of personal information caused by hacking or computer viruses, periodically updates and inspects the system. And we installs the system in outside uncontrolled areas and technically/physically monitors and blocks them.
      5. Encryption of personal information
        • The personal information of the user is encrypted, stored and managed so that only the user can know it, and the important data is using the separate security function such as encrypting the file and transmission data, using the file lock function or etc.
      6. Keep your connection history and prevent forgery
        • We maintain and manage the records of access to the personal information processing system for at least six months. And we use the security function to prevent forgery, theft and loss of access records.
      7. Restrict access to personal information
        • We take necessary measures to control access to personal information through granting, modifying, and deleting access rights to the database system that processes personal information. We also control unauthorized access from outside by using an intrusion prevention system.
      8. Use locks for document security
        • We keep documents with personal information and auxiliary storage in safe place with lock.
      9. Control access to unauthorized person
        • We have a separate physical storage area for personal information and set up access control procedures.
      10. Write Personal Information Protection Officer
      The Company is responsible for the handling of personal information. And the company has designated the person responsible for personal information protection as follows for processing personal information, handling complaints, relieving damage and etc.
        ManagerPark Jungho ManagerPark Jungho Manager
        Company Phone Number82-70-4376-221582-70-4376-2215
        The information subject can ask the director and the manager in charge of personal information protection complaints such as Inquiries about personal information protection, handling complaints, relieving damage when using the company's service (or business). The company will answer and handle inquiries of the information subject without delay.
        11. Change of personal information processing policy
        The personal information processing policy will be applied from the effective date. If there is any addition, deletion or correction of the change in accordance with the laws and policies, we will notify it through announcement 7 days before the change.
          Head Office : 24F, GIFC Tower, 240, Kintex-ro, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea(10391) -Tel : 82-31-924-2025
          Business Office : 4F, Yunhwa B/D, 100, Nambusunhwan-ro 356-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(06744) -Tel : 82-70-7776-2902
          CopyrightⓒNEWEN AI Co.,Ltd All rights reserved