
NEWEN AI Data Sources

NEWEN AI’s Social Big Data Crawling Solution has the largest referencein South Korea. We provide precise and quick crawling Big Data based onstable service platform.
from 150+ countries in 30+ languages

Smart Big Data Insight Platform

NEWEN AI’s technical skills and know-howscleanse and analyze information of various form so that you can respond quickly toan ever-changing web environment. And it is processed meaningful data which is able to use in business.
Insight Platform Social
Big Data
Listen Action Understand
  • 01 Collect Based on the South Korea's largest online data source and NEWEN AI's own IDC operation technology, we continuously search for new websites and achieve 99.9% accuracy of crawling by providing real-time and historical data without omission.
    • Rule Programming
    • Query Matching
    • Meta-data Extraction
    • Garbage Filtering
  • 02 Categorize Based on project know-how that is more than 250 clients in various industries, we develop industry-specific self-classification and analysis technologies to accurately classify data. So that it meets diverse and complex service requirements such as industry, department, and purpose.
    • Entity Extraction
    • Topic Extraction
    • Sentiment Clustering
    • Data Clustering
  • 03 Analyze Maximize the accuracy of analysis by combining the system that utilizes accurate attribute classifier and emotional extractor in text analysis and NEWEN AI's own analysis technology that can overcome limitations of automatic analysis.
    • Data Mining
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • Visualization
    • Buzz Volume
    • Volume Trend
    • Sentiment
    • Attribute
    • Distribution
    • Verbatim
    • Share of Voice
    • Related
    • Keywords
    • Influencer
    • Issue Diffusion
    • Issue Tracking
  • 04 Utilize In order to quickly and accurately grasp the analysis results, we provide the dashboard that allows you to check real-time issues and urgent issues, as well as various analytical report services tailored to the purpose of the project.
    • Real-time Monitoring Dashboard
    • Early Notification of Urgent Issues
    • Periodic Analysis Repo
    • Ad-hoc Analysis Report
Head Office : 24F, GIFC Tower, 240, Kintex-ro, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea(10391) -Tel : 82-31-924-2025
Business Office : 4F, Yunhwa B/D, 100, Nambusunhwan-ro 356-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(06744) -Tel : 82-70-7776-2902
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